10. Mack Talks Australia
Hey folks! We’ve got a special episode today where Mack Donahue is talking about his six month trip to Australia. Mack went on a trip with Youth With a Mission (YWAM) to learn how to be a disciple of Christ’s love and to put those skills to the test with the people who need it most.
At 37:40, Mack referred to Matthew 9:37b, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” (NKJV). Tyler is an idiot who’s obsessed with John and mistook the verse that Mack referenced for John 4:35b, “Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” (NKJV)
Mekane Yesus means “Place of Jesus.” Mack already knew that. Oops.
YWAM advertises over 1,200 bases worldwide, on their site, https://ywam.org
We are not sponsored by Google Translate, but it if we were, that would be really cool *suggestive eyebrow gestures*. We also are not affiliated with YWAM aside from Mack’s experience with them, but both of us (Mack and Tyler) would recommend giving them attention if you are looking into going on a missions trip and doing the Lord’s work.
$1 USD = ~29.50 Ethiopian Birr as of the editing of this episode.
We hope you enjoyed listening to this episode, and we especially hope that hearing Mack’s testimony of his mission has inspired you to be a steward of the Gospel as well.
Our site: https://redeemingthetime.online
Music by https://audionautix.com