Tyler Vigue is a college student from Maine. He started Redeeming the Time quite fittingly to make use of downtime by creating online content for the Christian community. His goal is to, above all else, get Christians thinking about their faith in new ways, however he can manage it. He is incredibly talented, drop-dead handsome, and also responsible for managing the bios, if you couldn’t already tell.
Mack Donahue, known by his friends as “The Bearded Wonder” (or maybe that’s just me), is some bizarre form of missionary-student. His residence is in Charlottesville, Virginia, but his home is on the missions field, particularly in Australia. Mack has a history with Youth With A Mission Perth (YWAM Perth) and intends to continue his education in missions work and counseling with them in the future. Mack is Tyler’s best friend and the reason he started podcasting in the first place. Every single one of Tyler’s wild ideas is much better after being bounced off the great and powerful Bearded Mack, and discussions between the two never cease to entertain or amaze.
Nathan “Kreedo” Kreider and his hair are the resident Bible experts at Redeeming the Time. Nate currently hosts the Kreedcast and will likely be featured on numerous episodes of the core Redeeming the Time podcast as well. He is currently a student at Lancaster Bible College and through knowledge, wisdom, and determination he plans to make the church a much better place.