18. I AM - John E9
Redeeming the Time is back with the second-to-last installment in our John series.
Tyler starts by giving a brief summary of the content we've covered so far:
1. Jesus is here to create something even cooler than the Law
2. Jesus is the new Moses and is greater than the ancestors (2 Episodes)
3. We’ve explored what John thinks about Jesus and His Divine Identity in the intro passages about “The Word”
4. John has pounded into the book the theme of truth, and distinguished between those seeking it and those who treat truth with indifference
5. In step with his theme of truth, John has “called in” 7 witnesses to Jesus’ identity
6. John also has made it clear that Jesus is One with the Father, and that Oneness is the goal of Jesus’ very presence on earth.
7. John has tied everything together with a theme of “Light,” which serves several metaphorical uses in Biblical literature
The new content in this episode is focused on *7* uses of the Divine Name (in Greek, "Ego Eimi" or "I AM") in these verses in John:
i. John 4:26
ii. 6:20
iii. 8:24, 28
iv. 8:58
v. 13:19
vi. 18:5
Tyler then talks briefly about an entirely separate set of *7* uses of the Divine Name coupled with a characteristic or purpose (I.e. "I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life.")
i. “I am the Bread of Life” 6:35
ii. “I am the Light of the World” 8:12, repeated 9:5, referenced in 12:35-50
iii. “I am the Sheep Gate” 10:7
iv. “I am the Good Shepherd” 10:11
v. “I am the Resurrection and the Life” 11:25
vi. “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” 14:6
vii. “I am the True Vine” 15:1
While each of these should be studied on your own time and in their own context, our purposes in this series have been about major themes and recurring patterns in the book of John, so the overarching usage of these statements are what Tyler examined. And these statements do have a very special meaning when grouped together, especially because they are wrapped up in the ribbon of the number 7, giving the whole theme an echo of the abundant peace of Sabbath Rest.
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