15. Brought to you by the Number 1 - John E7
On this week’s episode of the Redeeming the Time Podcast, Tyler’s here to talk about another theme that runs through the Gospel of John. Jesus talks a lot about the idea of “oneness,” especially referring to His own relationship with God the Father before the foundations of the earth. Why does Jesus talk about this so much? What does it matter to us? How does it fit into the rest of the story? Tyler answers all these questions and more in this week’s episode.
One important point in particular is how it fits into the story of the book of John. John follows a pattern much like any good plot, which is part of why it feels so modern, and every good plot has a scene at the end of Act II which acts as the “inflection point” for all the themes in the story. John is the same way. If you want a summary of what the whole story is about, you need to find that scene, and in John, that scene is John 17. Combining this definitive scene with the crucifixion (which Tyler doesn’t mention in this episode, but it will definitely be coming soon), we can understand the big picture of both what John is about as well as the entire Biblical story of God’s rescue plan.
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